Furey Athletics is a coaching and online training resource with the mission of helping power athletes and coaches of all ages and experience levels realize their dreams and maximize their potential. No matter your sport, we can help you increase power, avoid injury, lengthen your career and perform your best when it matters most.

1-603-219-2159 204 Waseca Ave., Barrington RI, 02806
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September 2022

For those who do not know much about me, in addition to being a javelin thrower and coach, for almost the last 20 years, I have also worked as a design engineer at a major aerospace and defense contractor. I have come to realize that the strategic approach that is taken to design multi-billion dollar marvels of engineering (think NASA Spacecraft) from the ground up is quite similar to the approach top Olympic coaches and athletes take to achieve their athletic dreams. Engineers call this approach the Systems Engineering “V.” For those

It’s that time of year the year to ask yourself important questions. What were your technical flaws from last season?What were your key performance indicators, i.e. what was going well when it flew far?What are the key areas for you to focus on this year?How will you modify training to achieve your technical and physical goals? We are all captain of our own ship and must take ownership of our destiny.  If you are an athlete, you are lucky if you have an experienced coach that will provide a roadmap. But in the