Furey Athletics is a coaching and online training resource with the mission of helping power athletes and coaches of all ages and experience levels realize their dreams and maximize their potential. No matter your sport, we can help you increase power, avoid injury, lengthen your career and perform your best when it matters most.

1-603-219-2159 204 Waseca Ave., Barrington RI, 02806
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January 2022

Success doesn’t just come. A successful career as an athlete is a combination of preparation, teamwork, goal setting, and other steps to keep us motivated, accountable, and realistic along the way. Here are 10 steps that we at Furey Athletics believe are paramount to achieving our personal potential.” Dream Out LoudPut it in writing: Committing your goals in writing will create the tangible effect of “making them real.” Hang them on the wall: Put these goals in a place you will see them every day.Look at them every day: More than just